
[뉴질랜드이민성] 뉴질랜드 국경제한 예외적용 : 출국중인 임시비자 가족의 NZ리턴 허용 by at 2021년 4월 22일



뉴질랜드 이민성은, 임시비자 소지자들의 배우자(파트너) 및 동반자녀들에 대하여 4월 30일부터 국경제한의 예외적인 입국을 허용하기로 발표하였습니다.

대상자는 1) 뉴질랜드 비자를 계속 소지중인 파트너와 동반자녀로, 국경이 닫히기전 뉴질랜드에 있는 파트너 또는 부모와 함께 하지 못한 사람들, 2) 중요 헬스 서비스 업종 종사자의 파트너와 동반 자녀, 3) Highly-skilled 워커들의 파트너와 동반 자녀 입니다.


뉴질랜드에 있는 메인 임시비자 소지자(워크비자, 학생비자등)는 12개월이상 비자 기간이 남아 있어야 하며, 그의 가족 또한 가족에 기준한 비자를 소지하고 있어야 합니다. 자세한 사항은 아래 원문내용을 확인하여 주세요~




Partners and dependent children of temporary visa holders who are currently outside New Zealand may be eligible to travel to New Zealand under this border exception category, which will come into effect on 30 April 2021. The border exception is for these three groups:


1. Partners and dependent children who held (and continue to hold) a visa for New Zealand but were unable to join their partner or parent in New Zealand before the border closed.

2. Partners and dependent children of workers employed in critical health services.

3. Partners and dependent children of highly-skilled workers.



Partners and dependent children who held a visa before the border closure

To be eligible to enter New Zealand, partners or dependent children outside of New Zealand must hold a current visa based on their relationship to the person in New Zealand. The partner or parent must be currently in New Zealand and have 12 months or more remaining on their work or student visa when the request to travel is submitted.


Partners and dependent children of workers employed in critical health services.

To be eligible, you must:

▪️ be the partner or dependent child of a person who is currently in New Zealand on a temporary visa.


The person in New Zealand must:

▪️ be currently in New Zealand, and

▪️ have a visa specifying they work in an occupation needed to deliver critical health services in New Zealand, and

▪️ hold a visa that is valid for 12 months or more after the date the request to travel is submitted.


If your request is successful, you will be invited to apply for a visa.


Your visa application must include, evidence of your relationship with the primary visa holder. Evidence can include, but is not limited to:

▪️ a description of your partnership, including details of any previous shared living arrangements

any supporting documentation demonstrating your partnership — including marriage certificate or joint bank account

▪️ travel movements of you and your partner

▪️ evidence your partner supports your travel to New Zealand

▪️ any other evidence showing a commitment to a shared life.



Partners and dependent children of highly-skilled workers

To be eligible to enter New Zealand, you must:

▪️ be the partner or dependent child of a person who is currently in New Zealand on a temporary visa.


The person in New Zealand must:

▪️ be currently living and employed in New Zealand, and

▪️ earn at least twice the median salary — currently NZD $106,080 per year

▪️ hold a visa that is valid for 12 months or more after the date the request to travel is submitted.


The person in New Zealand must also meet one or more of the following:

▪️ they have unique experience and technical or specialist skills not readily obtainable in New Zealand

▪️ they have a role essential for the completion or continuation of a science programme under a government funded or partially government-funded contract, including research and development exchanges and partnerships, and have the support of the Science, Innovation and International Branch at MBIE to carry out this work

▪️ A role essential for the delivery or execution of one of the following:

  - an approved major infrastructure project, or a government approved event or a major government approved programme

  - an approved government-to-government agreement

  - work with a significant wider benefit to the national or regional economy.


In your request to travel you will be asked to provide information from the employer of the person in New Zealand to prove eligibility.


If your request is successful, you will be invited to apply for a visa. Your visa application must provide evidence of your relationship with your partner or parent who is in New Zealand. This evidence can include, but is not limited to:

▪️ a description of your partnership, including details of any previous shared living arrangements

▪️ any supporting documentation demonstrating your relationship — including marriage certificate or joint bank account, birth certificates for dependent children

▪️ travel movements of you and your partner or parent

▪️ evidence your partner supports your travel to New Zealand

▪️ any other evidence showing a commitment to a shared life.



무료수속 및 신속한 상담은 애플유학 카톡아이디 appleY 로 연락주세요~

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