학교 소식

[뉴질랜드유학후이민] UC 켄터베리 대학의 명문 코스! 토목 공학 석사 과정 소개 by at 2020년 8월 25일

크라이스트처치 대학교 UC

켄터베리 대학교 Master of Civil Engineering 석사과정

애플유학 추천 대학, 크라이스트처치에 위치한 University of Canterbury

Civil Engineering 석사 과정을 안내해드립니다.

UC 켄터베리 대학교 소개

University of Canterbury는 1874년 설립된 뉴질랜드에서 2번째로 오래된 크라이스트처치 위치의 대학교입니다. 역사가 깊은 대학교로 공대와 상대, 삼림대, 법대가 유명한 곳입니다. 뛰어난 연구 실적과 높은 교육수준, 학생의 만족도가 높으며 뉴질랜드에서 유일의 산림학을 제공합니다.

Master of Civil Engineering 코스란?

토목 공학 석사 과정은 엔지니어의 지식과 기술을 향상시키고 경력을 반전시키는 대학원 프로그램입니다. 토목 공학에 대한 좀 더 전문적인 지식을 습득을 할 수 있으며 해당 분야에서 전문성을 쌓거나 토목 인프라 설계 및 분석에 대한 고급 기술을 공부할 수 있습니다.

Master of Civil Engineering Level 9

기간: 1년

입학일: 매년 2월, 7월

학력입학조건: 엔지니어링 학사((평균 B 학점 이상)

영어입학조건: IELTS 6.5

장점: 논문 작성을 하는 과정이 아닌 코스 수업을 받은 형식으로 진행

석사 과정으로 배우자 워크비자 & 자녀학비 면제 신청 가능

졸업 후 3년의 Post study work visa 신청 가능

선택 가능한 전공 프로그램

▶ Construction Management

▶ Earthquake Engineering

▶ Renewable Energy

▶ Transportation Engineering

▶ Digital Civil Engineering

▶ Geotechnical Engineering

▶ Smart Infrastructure (open to enrolments from 2022)

▶ Structural Engineering

▶ Structural Fire Engineering

▶ Water Engineering

Master of Civil Engineering 한국인 졸업생 인터뷰

출처: https://www.canterbury.ac.nz/get-started/why-uc/student-profiles/student-profiles-by-subject/civil-engineering/changhoon-lee.html

Following work as a professional civil engineer in South Korea with a heavy industrial company, Changhoon was keen to take his career to the next level through study overseas in New Zealand.

The Civil Engineering postgraduate programme at UC captured his interests because of its reputation throughout the country.

‘The strong point of the programme is that students can scratch real design practice and learn how to utilise the computer tools and design models for civil engineering,’ he says. ‘UC helped me to make a connection between my previous work experience and local design practice such as AS/NZS codes. Studying with other students and seminars organised by UC enhanced me to understand working culture in New Zealand.’

He was particularly interested in studying in New Zealand because of the support given to international families of students, with his partner able to work full-time and children able to enrol in schools as domestic students under his visa.

The learning and living environment available was also a big selling point for Changhoon.

‘UC is located in the beautiful city Christchurch where we see cutting-edge buildings and natural landscapes. It is easy to focus on studying 24/7 in the library as UC is surrounded by peaceful nature. I enjoyed the fluctuating weather, fishing, trekking, flat whites, and salmon dishes in Christchurch throughout a period of one year.’

He also recommends other students make use of extensive support such as seminars for international students, free English speaking and writing classes, and forming connections with staff, students, and alumni.

‘Students can meet friendly staff and hang out with friends who have diverse backgrounds. I stayed in College House with international students so that I was able to meet people worldwide.

‘I have also been in Korean Student Association (KOSA) where I used to regularly meet lots of friends and help each other for study and problems in living. KOSA was officially formed in 2019 and Koreans and Kiwis join the club to broaden their horizons. I recommend newcomers join this club.’

Since graduating, Changhoon and his family have enjoyed living and working in New Zealand.

Changhoon was quick to land a role with Robert Bird Group (RBG), an international engineering consultancy, where he designs water pipe works, roading, and land development through 3D modelling design.

‘My final destination is becoming a chartered civil engineer and working in all areas in New Zealand,’ he says.

‘I hope I can remind someone of a successful example of immigration, and that every student and newcomer does not give up on their study and future in New Zealand under any circumstances, and can jump over the next hurdle.’

▶ UC의 학생들은 실제 설계 실습을 통하여 설계 모델을 활용하는 방법을 배울 수 있다.

▶ UC의 코스는 학새의 업무 경험과 현지 디자인 실습 사이에서 연결되도록 도움을 주었다.

▶ 다양한 세미나를 통하여 뉴질랜드 직장 문화를 이해할 수 있게 되었다.

▶ 배우자가 풀타임으로 일을 하고 아이들이 무료 교육을 받을 수 있어 도움이 되었다.



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